Fucking Unicorn

Tobia Rossi

Feature Movie - Comedy, Dark Humor | 8x25 | Village and Metropolis | English


Igor is thirty-five years old but in many ways has yet to grow up. An anti-hero mirror of a generation, a former child of the 1990s, who grew up spoilt by the abundance and optimism of those years, our protagonist, thanks to a disturbing childhood as a child star, suddenly finds himself an adult in the midst of an economic, social and cultural crisis. This child exponent of the so-called ‘Bim Bum Bam generation’ is now besieged by the spectre of failure, economic precariousness and a threatening emotional illiteracy that prevents him from really growing up. The series, balanced between drama and comedy, cynicism and affection, empathy and mockery, fearlessly traverses these nightmares, frustrations and pains, aiming to communicate sincerely with those who live them and face them every day.


Black Humor, Comedy, Coming of Age, Contemporary, Dramedy, English, Glocal, Italiano, LGBT, Original Ip, Series, Social Issues, Young Adults

Material available

Series Concept, Pilot Screenplay (English and Italian)

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